There are many good reasons to learn a second language, among which include fulfilling scholastic requirements, preparing for international travel, or a simple quest for personal advancement. For people who are fascinated with foreign languages, Spanish is usually the first one to be tackled, since it is often perceived as among the easiest to learn.
Spanish is such as rich language with so much history and heritage attached to it. It is also one of the most widely spoken languages around the world, which makes it infinitely worth learning.
The Rocket Spanish software is touted as one of the most effective learning programs today, with its comprehensive list of tools as well as a scientific approach to language acquisition.
In order to form an objective opinion about this program, it is imperative to take a closer look at what it offers and how it fairs against other Spanish programs online.
What is Rocket Spanish All About?
This program is created for the purpose of helping individuals learn Spanish at the comfort of their own home, with their computer. Like most RocketLanguage packages, Rocket Spanish consists of numerous lessons that detail all the necessary information about how to speak Spanish fluently and naturally.
As each year passes, learning to speak and understand Spanish is becoming more and more important. Whether you need to learn to the Spanish language because you are traveling or if you have met a friend and would love to be able to converse in their native language, understanding this wonderful language has many benefits.
Over the years, there have been many programs that tout that they can teach you the Spanish language, although no program has proved to be as efficient in both teaching you to understand Spanish as well as speaking it as Rocket Spanish. In short, Rocket Spanish provides an easy to learn curriculum that allows to understanding this language very quickly.
When you are trying to learn a new language, it can be quite frustrating when you first begin if you do not have a set of tools available that can help you maximize your time. In fact, many people never get to experience the benefits of being able to speak and understand Spanish because they were never able to find a system that worked with them and the unique way they learned. This interactive, all online software package allows you to easily learn at your own speed rather as opposed to having to play “catch up” if you happen to miss a couple of classes at a College.
Have you ever listened to an audio on how to learn Spanish and the conversations just seemed outdated, and not to mention, extremely boring? The creator of Rocket Spanish realized this was a problem that many people were facing and addressed this by adding in modern conversations that are pertinent in today’s world. It’s never fun to learn things we cannot use. Many Spanish courses will simply tell you to listen and repeat, however this never leads to effective learning, much less giving you the ability to use this information in a practical manner. In this language course, you can listen to the 32 audio files as many times as you like and even follow along with the dialogue, as the transcripts to the conversations are provided in order to help with fast, complete understanding and learning.
When Learning Spanish – Faster Is Key
Remember, when you are learning anything, the faster you can learn it, the more you will understand, and the easier it will be to implement in your daily life. Let me give you an example. Speed reading a page versus taking minutes to read has been proven to increase reader comprehensive. The mind can assimilate information very quickly and the faster you can get any information in your brain in an organized method, the faster you will learn.
Rocket languages also teaches you how to have fun while learning. In fact, learning and retention increases as your mind gets a little freedom to be able to enjoy what it is learning. Have you ever sat in a class with a dry instructor? It makes it very difficult to learn because the material is presented in a very dry fashion which causes your brain to easily forget the information that was presented.
What You Get with Rocket Spanish
You can either download the whole package right after purchasing it online (The current price is only $99.95 instead of the usual $299.95), or order the entire course as a hard copy, which is spread out over 20CDs. The audio portion has 32, 25 minute lessons in order to help you retain as much information as possible. Remember what we said about speed reading? Your brain likes to take information in and assimilate it in chunks. By utilizing this breakthrough technology in learning, remembering and using your new Spanish skill will not be difficult. This course also helps you understand the Spanish culture. In fact, when you learn any language it is important to understand the culture too. This gives you a knowledge base of these areas in case you ever decide to travel to a Spanish speaking country. Each lesson will also come with a transcript to so you easily follow along with all of the dialogue lessons.
Have you ever wanted to know how your pronunciation compares to a native Spanish speaker? It is one thing to learn the language, but it is a completely different skill learning the correct pronouncing. This takes what you learn from being strictly on paper to the real world where you can engage in real life conversations. Rocket languages also incorporates a program called voice comparison technology that allows you to record yourself speaking a word and play it back while listening to the word spoken by a native speaker. This way you can practice until you have all of the words spoken correctly. This is truly a breakthrough in Spanish courses and has proven to help students learn to pronounce Spanish words faster, and where they can be understood. This will truly save on any embarrassment in a public setting and will give you the confidence you need to have open conversations in Spanish.
In addition to speaking Spanish, it is very important to be able to understand how to read Spanish as well. In order to help you do this, Rocket languages includes “My Vocab” that will help you focus on specific words as well as 31 language lessons that contain common phrases and complete sentences that are designed to help increase your understanding. To further help you understand this language, they have included over 700 audio clips and explanations.
As we mentioned before, when learning a new language it is important to learn as much as you can about their culture. Rocket languages will help you to fully understand the Spanish culture as it relates to television, the movies, and common traditions and more. All of the language lessons as well the culture lessons are available online, which allows you to access them anywhere you are.
Rocket Spanish also includes a tool box that is available online that gives you the ability to track your progress while you are learning Spanish. Once you begin, this will prove to be a very useful feature because it shows you where you are in your timeline of learning Spanish. It also includes additional goals for learning which keep you in a constant state of progress.
And finally, Rocket Languages has a support center that can help you with any problem or question you may about Spanish Culture, the language, words and anything to help you learn faster. This is one of the highest recommended Spanish courses available and can effectively help you understand, speak and read the Spanish language fluently. And to help, Rocket Languages also has a Free No-Obligation Lifetime trial. And so, you literally have nothing to lose when learning this language.

Main Benefits and Features
Comprehensive Audio Library
The RocketLanguage Spanish program features 32 audio lessons that users can listen to repeatedly until they achieve the desired level of comprehension and mastery. Each lesson focuses on a very important aspect of the language, such as pronunciation, intonation, common Spanish expressions, and many others.
The purpose of providing repeatable audio resources is so that users can go back any lesson, which they believe they need to focus on more. If you happen to miss some key details in the previous course, you can easily go back and listen to it again until you are confident that you completely understood everything.
Complete Spanish-English Transcripts
While Spanish is a very familiar language to those who speak English (especially in the case of Americans), creators of RocketLangauges believe that it is important to have full translated scripts so that people can understand Spanish sentences better.
Other language programs online use the immersive learning technique, which entails skipping translations altogether. Rocket, on the other hand is more novice friendly, which makes the lessons easier to grasp and remember.
This method has also been proven highly effective as far as producing native sounding speakers because it allows them to think in Spanish, as opposed to translating their thoughts from their native tongue to the Spanish language.
Effective Tools for Perfect Pronunciation
Spanish is a very precise language so correct pronunciation is of utmost importance. Apart from the audio lessons, you also have access to Rocket Spanish Record, which is a tool that allows users to record their own voice and objectively compare it with that of the host.
The visual indicator (wave form) would tell you just how close you are to sounding like a native Spanish speaker. Recording various words, phrases, and even complete sentences would bring you closer to fluency each time.
Using Rocket Record is very easy, and the instructions are provided for novices.
Downloadable Audio Files
Some people learn better, when they are not stuck in one place while poring over study materials. Should this be the case, you have the option of downloading the 32 audio lessons to an mp3 device and listen to them whenever you want, regardless of your location.
This is also ideal for stay at home moms or dads who have a ton of chores to complete on a daily basis. They can listen to the lessons while doing the dishes, making dinner, or watching the kids play.
Sometimes it is all about managing your time, which is made a lot easier but this option provided for by RocketLanguages.
Highest Level of Spanish Reading Comprehension
Apart from being able to speak excellent Spanish, it is also important to be able to read the language. Text based lessons are also included, in addition to the 32 audio lessons. As have been previously mentioned, the transcripts are precisely translated so that both Spanish and English versions can be viewed at the same time.
This feature would allow users to become not only fluent speakers, but highly able Spanish readers as well. It would definitely come in handy if/when you decide to travel abroad, especially in Latin American countries where Spanish is the predominantly spoken language.
Free Trial Available
Some consumers are apprehensive when it comes to trying new products, especially those that they cannot peruse very closely. In the tradition of excellent customer service, RocketLanguage offers a free trial of the Spanish package so that prospective buyers can see exactly what they will get should they decide to make a purchase.
My Level Self-Assessment Tool
People learn at different rates, which mean your progress might not be the same as that of other people who started the program at the same. In any case, RocketLanguages Spanish allows users to assess their own proficiency, so they can decide when they are ready to move on and if they still need to improve on certain areas.
Unlimited Access to My Community
In addition to all the lessons and tools, you can also post queries to other Rocket users regarding relevant subjects. Some Rocket users share clever tips on how to learn a foreign language better and at a much faster rate.
Overall User Friendly Interface
You need not be a computer whiz to use this particular software since it is designed for people who just have the most basic knowledge of computers. Everything is self-explanatory, and you can always count on excellent customer service whenever you need assistance with some of the tools or materials.
Virtually non-existent. Apart from the initial difficulty with the language itself, you should be able to sail through Rocket Spanish.
There is no doubt that Rocket Spanish is a great product, if not even the best Spanish course available online at the moment. It provides all the best learning tools and so much more. The learning experience is very pleasant so it would not feel like a task at all, regardless of how many hours you spend on the program everyday.
This is the fastest, cheapest and easiest way to learn Spanish. I couldn’t believe how easy Rocket could make a language but they did!
I used this to learn Spanish in high school and it was so effective that it felt like cheating. I will use Rocket again for any of my language needs.